Saturday, January 11, 2025

Side Effects Of Starting Your Day With Egg Whites

Coronavirus definitely gave a lesson to the whole world that take good care of your health. People are also taking special care of their health. In such a situation, there are many people who like to eat egg whites in breakfast. Many people eat the white part of the egg just because it helps in reducing weight. Also, it is such a breakfast which you can easily make quickly. But do you know that the white part of the egg on an empty stomach can prove to be harmful for your health. Today, through this article, we are going to tell about the side effects of eating whole egg and egg white daily.

Whole Eggs VS Egg Whites

According to the news published in ‘Only My Health’, Delhi-based dietician Priya Bansal, MSc Nutrition, who previously worked at Apollo Hospitals, Delhi. According to Priya Bansal, egg is the source of energy. In which many types of nutritious things are found. It is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. There are two parts in this. Yolk and white of egg. Yolk contains most of the vitamins, iron and healthy. While the white part of the egg is mainly made of protein. When it comes to weight loss, egg whites are often preferred because of their low calorie and healthy fat content.

Egg White Nutrition and Calories

Egg white is a good source of protein. By eating which the body gets the right amount of amino acids. According to a report published by the ‘US Department of Agriculture’, 33 grams of egg white usually provides 17 calories, 4 grams of protein and minimal amounts of healthy fat and carbohydrates. For this reason, many gym trainers or fitness trainers eat the white part of the egg in breakfast because it contains less calories and more protein.

Side Effects of Eating Egg Whites on an Empty Stomach

1. The white part of the egg gives protein. Egg white lacks vitamins and iron which are found in egg yolk. Bansal said that relying only on the white part of the egg can lead to a deficiency in the nutrients of your body. Because the body needs all kinds of nutrients to function properly.

biotin deficiency

Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7. This vitamin is essential for healthy hair, skin and nails. And there is avidin in the white of the egg. which can bind to biotin and prevent its absorption. Bansal cautions that eating egg whites in excessive amounts without adequate biotin sources can lead to biotin deficiency, which can manifest as brittle nails, hair loss and skin problems.

may be allergic

Eating more egg whites can cause a special type of allergy on your body. Such as severe reactions like hives, itching, difficulty in breathing and anaphylaxis. Bansal advised that people who are allergic to eating egg white should be a little careful. And they should take healthy diet in their diet.

increased risk of salmonella bacteria

The risk of salmonella bacteria increases and is reduced in cooked eggs. Bansal said that most salmonella bacteria are found in egg white and eating raw or undercooked can cause food poisoning. That’s why eggs should be cooked well before eating.

digestive problems

Bansal said that some people may experience digestive issues after consuming egg whites, such as bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort. These symptoms may arise due to the body’s difficulty digesting the proteins found in egg whites, especially in people with existing digestive disorders or sensitivities.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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