Monday, January 13, 2025

Avoid Food In Cough If Your Child Is Having A Persistent Cough So Do Not…

Avoid Foods In Cough: The winter months are known for cold waves. However, it is also famous for the many diseases that thrive in this season. Parents constantly feel a lot of pressure and are scared of frequent infections in children. As one feels that the bad times have passed, the cough along with other allergy symptoms start again. In view of such health concerns in children, pediatrician Dr. Nihar Parekh has told on social media about three fruits that parents should not feed to their children. Today in this article, we will tell you which fruits should be avoided by children.

Stop feeding strawberries, grapes and litchi

To get rid of cough, children should stop eating strawberries, grapes and litchi, pneumonia, high fever, tonsillitis and ear infection increase very fast in winter. As for why these fruits should not be fed to babies, Dr. Parekh explains that strawberries are known to release histamine, which triggers cough, worsens an existing cough or even causes a cough, Grapes And it is made by eating litchi. It is fruits that are high in natural sugar, which is a good medium for bacteria to grow.

What should parents pay attention to?

Pediatricians recommend avoiding highly coloured, artificially sweetened, artificially colored or excessively cold foods. According to them, cold breaks down the local barrier and allows bacteria to grow, while allowing infection to occur. Ice cream, chocolate, candy, pastry, donuts, cake, strawberry, litchi, grapes and any cold thing kept in the fridge should be avoided. Children should avoid feeding these fruits, as well as children are innocent, they do not know what to eat and what not, for this it is necessary that parents should keep in mind that children should avoid feeding cold or sweet. . If your child is showing more serious symptoms of cough, then get a doctor checked.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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