Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Get Rid Of Love Handles Worried About The Fat Accumulated Around The…

Get Rid of Love Handles: Love handle fat is on the sides of the abdomen, so getting rid of it can be quite a challenge. Love handles are located above the diagonal and require a completely different practice to shed. Staying at home and working sitting most of the time can lead to accumulation of excess fat on them. To melt your love handles and get a curvy waist, there are some exercises that can be done easily while staying at home.

Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Basic twists and turns are what will help you reduce the fat stored on your sides. To do this stretch, just stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now spread your hands on both sides. Inhale and slowly tilt your body to the side and touch your left toe with your left hand. Your right hand should be in the air and should be stretched upwards. Make sure that your left and right hands form a straight line starting from the ground. Keep your neck on the left side. Slowly come back to normal position and repeat it on the other side.

Russian twists workout

The most effective exercise to eliminate love handles is the Russian twist workout. Just sit with your legs spread in front of you and hands joined in front of you. Now raise your legs so high that they do not touch the ground. Now without touching your feet to the ground, rotate your torso from one side to the other with your hands. It will help melt away the fat accumulated on your love handles in no time.

bicycle crunches

For those who are looking for quick ways to reduce love handles, try to include this exercise in your routine. Just lie down straight on your back and pull your leg inwards at the knees and keep your hands under your head. Now lift your right leg and try to touch the right knee with the left elbow. Make sure you lift your upper body while doing this. Come back to the resting position and repeat the same with the other leg.

read this also: Yoga for Immunity: These 3 yogasanas are the best to boost immunity, learn the easy way to do it at home

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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