Oppo Enco Air 2 Pro Its price in India is Rs 3,499. The wearable was launched shortly after the Enco Air 2. There are some major differences in this in the form of in-canal fit and active noise cancellation. Its recent price makes it more affordable than the OnePlus Buds Z2. Is Enco Air 2 Pro the best audio device with ANC in the true wireless segment? Learn in this review.
Oppo Enco Air 2 Pro comes with 12.4mm dynamic drivers, active noise cancellation
Oppo Enco Air 2 did average performance for its price. I expected more from its Pro model. It sees many changes in terms of design, specifications and features. It has an in-canal fit and gets silicone ear tips. Its charging case is also big.
There are also some similarities between the two models such as the design of the stem of the earpiece, touch zones for playback controls, and glossy finish on the plastic of the charging case and earpiece. Interestingly, the ‘L’ and ‘R’ marks have been made as cutouts for the opening of the inner microphone. The wearable has an IP54 rating that protects against dust and water.
Oppo Enco Air 2 Pro comes in White and Gray colours. Its white version looks better in my opinion as it looks a bit like Apple AirPods Pro. The charging case has a transparent upper panel which looks quite unique. There is a USB Type-C port at the bottom of the charging case, the Oppo logo at the back, and an LED indicator on the front. The charging case is made in such a way that it fits easily in the pocket along with the wallet or smartphone.
Touch controls were working properly for me in Oppo Enco Air 2 Pro. These can be customized through the HeyMelody app. Touch gestures can be used to control playback, turn on the voice assistant, activate ANC, activate game mode, switch between recently paired devices, and adjust volume. Because of this, I was able to control my music experience without even using my smartphone.
The HeyMelody app shows the battery level of the charging case and both earpieces. Through this, ANC can be enabled or disabled, game mode can be activated which is claimed to deliver low-latency of 94ms. Apart from this, you can switch between three equalizer presets (Enco Live), update the firmware of the earphones. The app is well designed. It is very easy to use and works smoothly with Enco Air 2 Pro.
Oppo Enco Air 2 Pro has 12.4mm dynamic drivers. It supports Bluetooth 5.2 with SBC and AAC Bluetooth codecs. The frequency response range of the earphones is 20-20,000Hz, and they also support AI based environmental noise cancellation along with active noise cancellation, which provides good audio quality during calls.
They also have in-ear detection. That is, music plays when worn and music pauses when removed. Pairing in these is very fast. Apart from this, they can also control the camera shutter of your phone, but for that you need to have an Oppo smartphone running ColorOS 11.3 or later.
Their battery life didn’t impress me much. It only lasted 3 hours with ANC at 60 percent volume. The charging case charged them from zero to full thrice. That is, each charge cycle gives a total of 12 hours of playback. This is less than the OnePlus Buds Z2.
Oppo Enco Air 2 Pro Amazing performance for the price
The sound quality of the wearable is good. I listened to Netsky’s Get Away From Here, in which the earphones delivered strong and attacking sound, while maintaining the detail and pace of the track. The sonic signature was balanced, though the tight bass was loud at times. Overall the track sounded quite enjoyable. Great experience even at 50 percent volume. The tuning is very sharp and done with care.
They got the best sound quality at 70 percent volume. Its fit and active noise cancellation worked well. Slow tracks like Mk.gee’s You were also heard engaging. The sound quality of these earphones is pretty impressive for a true wireless headset in this price range.
When the volume level went above 80 percent, the music became louder and more hurtful. This can be a problem when listening outdoors, but most of the time you’ll be happy with its volume level and crisp sound.
Its active noise cancellation performance is quite good. It is capable of giving a very good sound experience in indoor and outdoor. The sound of the ceiling fan coming in the background, the sound of the AC running or the noise of light traffic coming from outside was also able to stop it well. Through passive noise cancellation, it was able to block out normal noise in the home and office well.
It has the stability of the connection and the call quality is quite good. I did not face any problem during use. The connection between the earphones and the source device remained stable and lag free up to a distance of 4 meters. There was some difference in game mode as well. It did improve the latency but with that the sound quality dropped a bit.
The audio products of Oppo give very good value for money. However, some products like the Enco Air 2 were average too. With the Enco Air 2 Pro, the company has again returned to the same form. These are very good true wireless earphones for the price. There are many useful features like active noise cancellation and app support etc.
Above all, the Oppo Enco Air 2 Pro has excellent sound quality along with good ANC support. These can be called the best headsets in the segment below Rs 5000. The only drawback is seen in its battery life, which if it had been better, it could have proved to be the best all-rounder. If battery life is more important to you, then there is also an option for the slightly expensive OnePlus Buds Z2. If ANC performance is more important to you, then I would recommend Oppo Enco Air 2 Pro in this price segment.