Excessive Use Of Garlic: Be it Indian kitchen or any kitchen in the world, garlic is the most commonly used spice. If it is mixed in any recipe, then the taste increases twice. Along with this, garlic is also very beneficial in terms of health. At the same time, some people do not use it much in food due to its strong smell. Garlic contains many nutrients, including vitamin B1, calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus and iron. Despite being such a beneficial thing, there are many disadvantages of eating garlic. That’s why it should always be eaten in a limited quantity.
Especially in India, garlic is used more in vegetables and other items in some households. For your information, let us tell you that garlic is hot. On top of that, there are so many spices in the vegetables. In such a situation, what will all this together do to your stomach. You can guess this. Pay special attention while using garlic buds often in vegetables. So that garlic does not fall in excess.
Why shouldn’t we eat too much garlic?
According to the report published in Zee News, garlic is considered a treasure of Ayurveda. Excess of anything is harmful for the body. Let us know what are the important things to take care of while eating garlic.
For your information, let us tell you that the effect of garlic is hot. That’s why people chew its buds in cold and flu. But some people eat more due to which bad breath starts coming. If garlic should be eaten in limited quantity, then you may fall ill.
low blood pressure
People who have low BP disease. They should not eat garlic. Because there can be a complaint of low BP ie hypotension. Due to which weakness and fatigue starts in the body. That’s why avoid a little.
If you eat more garlic then the complaint of heartburn may increase. Acidic compounds are very high in garlic. That’s why consuming it more causes burning sensation in the chest. Sometimes it can even be out of tolerance. So always be careful.
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