Saturday, January 11, 2025

Health Tips Diabetes And Sleep Know Causes Prevention And Treatment In…

Diabetes and Sleep: The number of diabetes patients in the country is increasing rapidly. Diet and spoiled lifestyle are responsible for diabetes. But there is another reason due to which diabetes can be a problem. Lack of sleep can increase the problem of diabetes. According to health experts, if you are getting good sleep daily then blood sugar control remains and the risk of diabetes is less. Let us know how many hours of sleep can reduce the risk of diabetes.

So many hours of sleep will reduce the risk of diabetes

California University has also done a research regarding this. In this, the sleep pattern of 500 people was studied. It was found in this research that para synthetic remains very active in the body of those who sleep for 8 hours daily. Due to which the sugar level remains fine and the balance of the body remains. It has also been found in this research that the insulin response increases in those who sleep well and the sugar level does not increase. That’s why 8 hours of sleep must be taken.

Better sleep and daily exercise are necessary

According to health experts, good sleep is very important to improve the lifestyle. For this, exercise and workout should be done daily. If you exercise for 15 minutes every day, then you get good sleep. Brisk walking, cycling, jumping rope and jogging are good options. This makes the body fit, provides good sleep and maintains sugar level control, which can reduce the risk of diabetes.

keep the food better

According to health experts, better eating along with a good lifestyle also makes sleep better. So try not to drink tea-coffee at night and eat your food at least two hours before sleeping. Walk for some time after eating food.

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